Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spider-Man (2002) - REVIEW




Spider-man (2002) was directed by Sam Raimi. Spider-Man (2002) is a movie adaptation of the classic comicbook series "The Amazing Spider-Man" created by Stan Lee.
     The Movie Spider-Man (2002) is the single most influential movie in my life. I say this not only because it was the first movie I was ever scared of whilst watching (The Green Goblin), but it helped me understand what is real and what is not. I can remember quite well watching the "Behind the scenes" and feeling relieved that The Green Goblin was Fake, but also sad because as a consequence it meant that Spider-Man was not real either. But that did not stop my obsession for the "Web-Slinger" from growing.
     Anyway back to the actual movie.There are many scenes in the movie which I know will be with me forever. But there is one scene that is my favourite because not only is it then when Peter learns that "With Great power, comes great responsibility", Uncle Ben dies with Peter by his side.
     Now for all who know anything of Uncle Ben's death it is obvious as to why Peter blames himself for it. To cut the story short, Peter had the chance to stop a robber but he didn't and by pure coincidence that same robber happened to be Uncle Ben's killer.
     To me, the death of Uncle Ben is the reason I think that Peter uses his powers to become "The Amazing Spider-Man". From that moment in the film we no longer see Peter as an "Average guy with not a care in the world", but as a traumatised young man who will do anything and everything in his power to help people and be responsible using his powers.
     Well that's a very brief background on Peter's origin story, so now it is only right to move on to the Villain. Norman Osborn/ The Green Goblin. With Peter being bitten by a genetically enhanced Spider and given Superpowers, it would only be fitting for his nemesis to be equally as powerful.
     Norman Osborn, the founder of Oscorp was doing experiments to try and recreate the "Super Soldier Serum" created by Dr. Erskine. The original formula was used to turn scrawny Steve Rogers into a near unstoppable soldier...Captain America. With Norman thinking that he had recreated it he tested it on himself, but as well as making him stronger and his metabolism faster = it sent him completely insane and created "The Green Goblin".
     As I have already aid, when I first saw Spider-Man in 2002 I was scared of The Green Goblin. But since then I have learn't that there was no need to be. I have also expanded upon my knowledge of Spider-Man and learn't that by comparison to the comicbooks The Movie Green Goblin is fairly harmless.
     Again back to the movie. Throughout the whole movie we slowly see Norman and Peter piecing together each others alter ego's. When Norman finally realises Peter is Spider-Man he kidnaps MJ Peter's sort of Girlfriend. The Goblin tries to make an example out of Spider-Man by making him choose between saving MJ or a group of children in a subway car. The Goblin drops both off of the Golden Gate Bridge. Spider-Man catches MJ first, and then just in the nick of time the cable car.Again cutting the story short MJ and the Cable Car are lowered onto an approaching barge below and Spider-Man is whisked away my The Green Goblin.
     The Green Goblin throws him through the roof of an abandoned building and then they both fight using hand to hand combat. Obviously the Goblin seems to be winning in the beginning because Peter still has next to no fighting experience...when The Green Goblin says that he will kill MJ "Nice and slow". Spider-Man now full of fire collapses a wall on The Goblin and then throws him into another. The Goblin then removes his mask and reveals himself to Peter as Norman Osborn.
     Norman tells Peter that he was like a son to him and pleaded for Peter's help to stop the Goblin without harming him., but Peer replies with "I had a Father, and his name was Ben Parker". Norman then drops all signs of remorse and guilt and is revealed to have just been trying to fool Peter. He says "Godspeed Spider-Ma" and activates his Glider to impale Spider-Man. But because Spider-Man has a Spider-Sense he was warned and dodged out of the way of the incoming Glider. The Glider impales Norman who then uses his last few breaths to say "Peter, don't tell Harry".
     Norman's last words obviously mean't not to tell his Son, Harry Osborn Peter's Best Friend, that his Dad was the Green Goblin. I find this scene also quite sad because Norman never had the time for his son, and now never will, but also the fact that even though Norman was insane he still wanted to try and keep Harry safe and out of it.
     That's the movie's influence on my life done, now it is time for a different aspect of the movie's influence on me. The Soundtrack, composed by Danny Elfman. I find that his main title theme motivates me and helps me concentrate, for instance I listened to it whilst writing this. I find that the main title theme captures all of the heroism of Spider-Man, but also his emotional, more human side. I have found that if I think about it the music fits in with Peter's story, fro man average guy with real life issues, to a Teen who has to grow up fast and learn how to control his powers with his only advice to go on being "With great power, comes great responsibility".
     Finally, I think that the actor choice for this film was Fantastic. Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Kirsten Dunst as MJ, RoseMary Harris as Aunt May, Cliff Robertson as Uncle Ben, James Franco as Harry Osborn and the most perfect actor for their role, Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin. I think that it was such a shame that after three films they rebooted the franchise. I only hope that they bring J.K. Simmons back as J. Jonah. Jameson, the Editor of The Daily Bugle.

Overall Spider-Man has always been a symbol of hope to me. I say this because although Peter Parker is a made up character, he has real life issues, yet just like in real life he works hard and everything works out in the end. But just like in real life it doesn't always go right, but Peter still manages to pull through, and I think to myself if he can pull through that which is way worse than my situation I can pull through whatever situation I am in. So in the great words of Stan Lee EXCELSIOR!

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