Friday, October 17, 2014

Miles Morale Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 6 Review

So Excited for this issue to know how Peter Parker is alive and let's see if Norman dead
Jonah actually starts to regret for shooting a bullet in Osborn's chest and start calling Ben Urich but then Norman wakes up and flame J.J's head, guess I was right on the last issue review no one can simply kill Norman regardless of how many forces to do so though I wonder why it's different in Harry Osborn's case because he died of course, the only answer to this I know is maybe because his OZ is nearly different to his father's (Harry's death in Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 issue 117.).

Now back with Miles and Peter from the last issue, Miles is trying to get him is explain if he's the the real Peter Parker or another clone but MJ kept on telling Miles he is the real LEGIT one. Peter tells him that he remembers his entire life even his death, then tells him that he waked up in some deserted lab in other city, really must be used for his powers or another cloning experiment like in the Clone Saga (this universe one, not the 616 one). Moving on, he then tells that he tries to reunite with MJ and together they tried to dug up his coffin and comes up empty, which bring further proof that Peter was brought back to the land of the living by some mad scientist but leaves his body like "You know what, I'm fed up with this body experiment, let's just leave him to riot" or something like that.
Gwen and Aunt May then just came in and exchange each other with hugs, just as I really thought from the last 2 issues I always knew he'll reunite with his family and friends despite the fact Peter wished to get out of the city to live a new life or something, I really don't know why he wish to remain 'dead'. Back on the page, the Green Goblin appears in front of the house for more confrontation, Norman should've already known he'll lose because of Miles's VenomBlast but guess doesn't like being a pussy in one first time battle with someone and as I suspected he did lose because he's slowly turning back in human form after the shock of the VenomBlast
As Osborn is about to get arrested, he then taunts at Miles(if that's a correct word to use) about who his father is.

Overall, I'm giving this 10/10, when seeing the conversation I thought to give this 8/10 but then the battle comes up, I'm give it 2 extra points for the Epicness, and I'm so excited for next issue though the issue 7 cover is Miles's girlfriend, Kate Bishop, so my only 2 guesses is she maybe tries to get Miles back or will she be related about Miles's father, either way it's amazing issue.
Tell in the comments what are your thoughts about this
And I'll see u all Next  Time

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Edge of the SpiderVerse Issue 1 Review

Issue 1 Reiview of the Edge of the Spider-Verse, starting with SpiderMan Noir to start off
First Page to start off, Noir(in a video tape recording anyway) kick few guys in the heads, witnessed by few citizens in a movie theater and one of em(with his face shadow) leaving, guess he'll be the villain of the issue heh. In the next one is seeing the posters of the "Magnificent Mysterio" this guy really want so much attention for his own show.

Peter Parker, with his Aunt May and MJ at the New York World's Fair, hanging out few chats whatever little bit too lazy to talk about the page. Peter ask MJ if she likes to see the Magnificent Mysterio and replies "yES". At Mysterio's "magical" show Peter senses something wrong(don't know if refering to Karn, u know who tries to kill all the Spiders or about Mysterio's performance.)
Few Skip Pages Later....(Sorry, Lazy to read some)

As Noir free himself from Mysterio's "watery Grave" he tries to save Felicia but then Karn came in for his death, though luckily the Superior Spider-Man crashes the party and departed with Noir, do like this "Spidey saves Spidey". Back in 2099, Superior Spider-Man explains the situation regarding the "Death of all Spiders" and so forth call a "meeting".

Overall, I'd give this 7/10, Pretty interesting story line and a great Introduction to Mysterio of Noir, though I'm expecting more amazing in these issues but anyways Be sure to comment on what you guys think of the review so far
And I'll see you all...Next Time.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Edge of the SpiderVerse Issue 2 Review

What Up WebHeads, today I'm reviewing Edge of the Spider-Verse Issue 2
As the first page start off, it shows Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane in their own band, practicing on stage for the show, okay already I'd find this universe the weirdest one out of all the ones as far as I know because honestly I thought Gwen meant to be a smart one(nearly as Peter Parker anyway)but guess she's a fan of rock star.
Back with the comic, then in next page Gwen was bitten by a radioactive spider and decided the first thing she could do with the Spider powers is be a musician, now that is nearly completely pointless use of the powers I mean come on, anyway then we see Peter got bullied by much of idiots in Midtown High which gives him the decision of becoming the......Lizard? Ok Peter is now officially now the Lizard in her world but moving on, Peter dies in SpiderWoman's hands(not mean killed by her I think) and predicted by J.J he was murdered by Gwen(same old Jonah.)
In this page, Matt Murdock having a chat with some guy with the buff of the hulk kind about taking down Captain George Stacy and SpiderWoman, now Murdock has become evil Mastermind which I highly doubt he'll become a hero like his days as the Daredevil in the other universe.

On to the next page, we see that Mary Jane and her band making a publicity without Gwen due to her being late(almost like Peter being late for MJ's play in Spider-Man 2 heh) then in the next minute of that came that Hulk-guy busting in for Captain Stacy, he should've picked a better place and better time to grab his neck. Moving on, SpiderWoman came in to save her father and defeated the hulk-guy(I don't pay much attention to his name ok),and in the end of that Captain Stacy tries to arrest Gwen until she reveal her secret identity and he is taking it a little bit well actually. 
In the final panel, Spider-UK(as they call him on the wiki) is sneaky-peeking on the action, expressing"You'll do nicely" Was he told by the Superior Spider-Man(Otto) to find more recruitment for the SpiderVerse? Or he was there is find someone worth challenging but aside that it does bring a great ending.

Overall I'm giving this comic 9.7/10 it is a nice story arc, kind of like adding something to the "What If someone else get bit by the Spider instead of Peter Parker", giving a addition to the army of SpiderMen for the SpiderVerse, though I was hoping Peter Parker wouldn't die but I guess the story need someone to die to teach her about responsibility, but anyway be sure to comment about this review
And I'll see u all Next Time   

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Miles Morale Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 5 Reivew

Welcome Fellow Webheads, Today I'm reivewing Miles Morale Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 5, where Peter(or least we think it's him) and Miles were about to get arrested after the encounter with the Green Goblin.

As the Captain tell the two SpiderMen to reveal their identities(even though the public knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man)
they escape the cops but Miles took a bullet in the leg(guess Miles knows how it feels to take a bullet now after a jumping get-away because Peter did but in the shoulder). Though he manage to lose his sights of the NYPD, Peter to much of a pussy to save his ass(really I'm starting to think this ain't the original Spider-Man we all know, you know leaving allies behind or whatever)

In J. Jonah Jameson's apartment, Norman Osborn made a unexpected visit with J.J, and surprisingly(to me anyway) he just actually only have a conversation with him, talking about Osborn in custody, creation of the Spider-Men and tells J.J that he may be back to his old self(maybe as he were before injected with the OZ formula) due to the VenomBlast Miles 'jolted' him with, and tears about his own son's murder, then Jonah pulls out a revolver and shoots directly into his face(ok firstly since when J.J gets a revolver, and lastly SERIOUSLY? A bullet in the face may not kill him, he got killed by things that is more powerful than a revolver, like SHIELD's laser gun or even a big truck that is brutally piled on him which then exploded, and Norman always comes back so that would end up literally for all).
Back in Queens, Miles visit MJ's home hoping to find Peter and apparently he is making a reunion with his friends(as I was hoping he will be) and convince MJ to let Miles in and(maybe) tells him about his 'resurrection'.

Overall, I would give this comic 8/10. This comic is not really up to my expectations really(like both the Spider-Men trying to find the Goblin) because I always guess the plot by the cover, but other than that, I enjoy most of it and love the reunion of Peter and his friends(and can't wait to see Aunt May's reaction).

And I'll see U all Next Time

Friday, August 29, 2014

What If: Spider-Man Rejected the Spider Review

Welcome Fellow WebHeads today I'm reviewing a What If: SpiderMan Rejected the Spider, you know I do hope this would work out when Poison may appear in the SpiderVerse.
As usual, the 'Watcher' always do story tellings for the What Ifs and he is telling about Peter of the 616 embracing the Spider (does many heroes do really have nasty wild sides of themselves) and shows us to a reality where a different Peter actually rejected the Spider by ripping a giant spider's head off and it tells him 'You have no idea what you've done' and I think what it means by that is the symbiote coming to take your body (why doesn't just say that maybe he'll try to embrace the spider for his love ones jeez I swear most people are dumb about what will happen to someone.)

In Rykers, the symbiote left Mac Gardan to rejoin with SpiderMan in his cocoon, and I think Peter's mind is having a brain battle with the symbiote in his head (kind of like in the Spectacular Spider-Man)but loses and rips to get out of the cocoon.

Back in Stark Tower, MJ's rants about Peter's disappearance and her nightmares about his return and talks with Aunt May about leaving Stark Tower and make a new life, and at the same instant Peter (now known as Poison)smashes through the window and tells MJ that he wants to share his 'gift' with her and rejects it at first and wish to be dead but Poison mentions that he can revive her which makes death a no big problem.

During that, Luke Cage and Wolverine tries to defend Mary Jane but really fails due to the fact Poison have some additional abilities from the Spider. Then Mary Jane finally accepts his 'gift' but in return she'll make his life a 'living hell' which makes him deserted her.

After leaving Stark Tower, Poison instead decided to share it with Gwen Stacy and shows her 'Carnage' hand.

I'll give this 8/10, this comic does really end up like a horror film and do really got messy with the other heroes, and Gwen back from the dead (she's getting too many resurrections in many universes) though still a great comic to read, and you know I do really what to know what Gwen gotta be doing with Poison (and she'll need a name too)

And I'll see u all Next Time

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Miles Morale Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 4 Review

Welcome Fellow WebHeads and SpideyFans, today I'm reviewing Miles Morale Ultimate SpiderMan Issue 4, where Green Goblin have encounter Miles Morale in the same place where the Original SpiderMan was (seemly) perished, and you know, by the look of the cover, I was expecting a brawl between Miles and Peter but as I read further, no there isn't a fight between them, guess it is a good idea not to have them fight together in my opinion.

Katie (Miles's girlfriend or ex) rushed to her room crying in tears and told her sister, Misha that Miles is SpiderMan. I do hope there is a way of getting the couple back together, I really do, I mean if MJ and Peter managed, there is a likely chance they will too.

Back where issue 3 left off, Goblin started to attack Miles, he is getting some unusual difficulties (due to the fact Miles have SpiderCamoflage), and Morale smash him in the back of the HEAD and shouted "THAT'S FOR PETER PARKER!" (though that point is already taken). As the authorities arrived, Norman did SO much destruction against the cops and that brings a EPIC ENTRANCE.

He actually did make a Epic entrance really because everyone is nearly 100% surprised that he IS BACK. I always knew Peter will be back, even though his resurrection is still a complete mystery.

Moving on with the comic, after the 'Surprise I'm Back' moment of Peter, Goblin then tries get his punches on Spidey (the red/blue one) but really having a hard time than with other Spidey (red/black one, wow this is crazy as hell right now). As Norman is down, Miles tries his VenomBlast on him, and it worked out than expected because he's actually started to rabbiting.

As the two SpiderMen about to get arrested, Aunt May actually started to admit the fact that Peter is truly alive (though Gwen is still having a hard time believing).

This Issue DESREVES a 100/100 perfects, and is truly Epic, probably even more better than Issue 31 of the Superior SpiderMan. I hope for a great reunion between Peter and his friends and relatives in the future issues because after seeing the shocks I really want a awesome 'Welcome Back' Party for him.
Be sure to comment on what You think of this issue so far and I'll see u all Next Time

Monday, June 2, 2014

Spider-Man 3 (2007) Review

Seriously, Emo Peter in the streets? Now I know why it's easily considered worse Spidey Film.
What Up SpideyFans, today I'm reviewing Sam Raimi's third SpiderMan film.

As the story starts, a TV Screen thing in Times Square (sorry don't know what it is honestly called) shows the final scene from the last film, which get me to wonder how can anyone managed to do a video record of his web swing, and Peter and the other kids watches it for brief moments (wonder where their parents are).

When Peter (in his Spidey Suit) tired and sept after listening to his police scanner, the symbiote sneakly bonded with him merging with his costume, which made me impress because as the symbiote merging, it transforms to his black suit like it goes from ooze to the costume look.

As Peter managed to get Eddie out of Venom, he uses Harry's pumpkins from his 'snowboard' gilder to destroy it but Eddie attempts to get himself rebond with the symbiote which results the destruction of them both. What is confusing is, why didn't Venom let Eddie know that bits of itself was taken to Dr. Connor's lab. If he known this during his time as Venom then maybe he would never make a crazy decision about risking his own life for it. As for the 'Goodbye Harry' scene, I'd find it more sadly emotional than Gwen's death in TASM 2 AND Uncle Ben's death in TASM

If Sony Pictures never force Sam Raimi to get Venom involve in this film, then I doubt Marc Webb's Spider-Man film will come so for those that want to blame Sam Raimi for this, just blame Sony Pictures.

See you Next Time SpideyFans

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spider-Man (2002) - REVIEW




Spider-man (2002) was directed by Sam Raimi. Spider-Man (2002) is a movie adaptation of the classic comicbook series "The Amazing Spider-Man" created by Stan Lee.
     The Movie Spider-Man (2002) is the single most influential movie in my life. I say this not only because it was the first movie I was ever scared of whilst watching (The Green Goblin), but it helped me understand what is real and what is not. I can remember quite well watching the "Behind the scenes" and feeling relieved that The Green Goblin was Fake, but also sad because as a consequence it meant that Spider-Man was not real either. But that did not stop my obsession for the "Web-Slinger" from growing.
     Anyway back to the actual movie.There are many scenes in the movie which I know will be with me forever. But there is one scene that is my favourite because not only is it then when Peter learns that "With Great power, comes great responsibility", Uncle Ben dies with Peter by his side.
     Now for all who know anything of Uncle Ben's death it is obvious as to why Peter blames himself for it. To cut the story short, Peter had the chance to stop a robber but he didn't and by pure coincidence that same robber happened to be Uncle Ben's killer.
     To me, the death of Uncle Ben is the reason I think that Peter uses his powers to become "The Amazing Spider-Man". From that moment in the film we no longer see Peter as an "Average guy with not a care in the world", but as a traumatised young man who will do anything and everything in his power to help people and be responsible using his powers.
     Well that's a very brief background on Peter's origin story, so now it is only right to move on to the Villain. Norman Osborn/ The Green Goblin. With Peter being bitten by a genetically enhanced Spider and given Superpowers, it would only be fitting for his nemesis to be equally as powerful.
     Norman Osborn, the founder of Oscorp was doing experiments to try and recreate the "Super Soldier Serum" created by Dr. Erskine. The original formula was used to turn scrawny Steve Rogers into a near unstoppable soldier...Captain America. With Norman thinking that he had recreated it he tested it on himself, but as well as making him stronger and his metabolism faster = it sent him completely insane and created "The Green Goblin".
     As I have already aid, when I first saw Spider-Man in 2002 I was scared of The Green Goblin. But since then I have learn't that there was no need to be. I have also expanded upon my knowledge of Spider-Man and learn't that by comparison to the comicbooks The Movie Green Goblin is fairly harmless.
     Again back to the movie. Throughout the whole movie we slowly see Norman and Peter piecing together each others alter ego's. When Norman finally realises Peter is Spider-Man he kidnaps MJ Peter's sort of Girlfriend. The Goblin tries to make an example out of Spider-Man by making him choose between saving MJ or a group of children in a subway car. The Goblin drops both off of the Golden Gate Bridge. Spider-Man catches MJ first, and then just in the nick of time the cable car.Again cutting the story short MJ and the Cable Car are lowered onto an approaching barge below and Spider-Man is whisked away my The Green Goblin.
     The Green Goblin throws him through the roof of an abandoned building and then they both fight using hand to hand combat. Obviously the Goblin seems to be winning in the beginning because Peter still has next to no fighting experience...when The Green Goblin says that he will kill MJ "Nice and slow". Spider-Man now full of fire collapses a wall on The Goblin and then throws him into another. The Goblin then removes his mask and reveals himself to Peter as Norman Osborn.
     Norman tells Peter that he was like a son to him and pleaded for Peter's help to stop the Goblin without harming him., but Peer replies with "I had a Father, and his name was Ben Parker". Norman then drops all signs of remorse and guilt and is revealed to have just been trying to fool Peter. He says "Godspeed Spider-Ma" and activates his Glider to impale Spider-Man. But because Spider-Man has a Spider-Sense he was warned and dodged out of the way of the incoming Glider. The Glider impales Norman who then uses his last few breaths to say "Peter, don't tell Harry".
     Norman's last words obviously mean't not to tell his Son, Harry Osborn Peter's Best Friend, that his Dad was the Green Goblin. I find this scene also quite sad because Norman never had the time for his son, and now never will, but also the fact that even though Norman was insane he still wanted to try and keep Harry safe and out of it.
     That's the movie's influence on my life done, now it is time for a different aspect of the movie's influence on me. The Soundtrack, composed by Danny Elfman. I find that his main title theme motivates me and helps me concentrate, for instance I listened to it whilst writing this. I find that the main title theme captures all of the heroism of Spider-Man, but also his emotional, more human side. I have found that if I think about it the music fits in with Peter's story, fro man average guy with real life issues, to a Teen who has to grow up fast and learn how to control his powers with his only advice to go on being "With great power, comes great responsibility".
     Finally, I think that the actor choice for this film was Fantastic. Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Kirsten Dunst as MJ, RoseMary Harris as Aunt May, Cliff Robertson as Uncle Ben, James Franco as Harry Osborn and the most perfect actor for their role, Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin. I think that it was such a shame that after three films they rebooted the franchise. I only hope that they bring J.K. Simmons back as J. Jonah. Jameson, the Editor of The Daily Bugle.

Overall Spider-Man has always been a symbol of hope to me. I say this because although Peter Parker is a made up character, he has real life issues, yet just like in real life he works hard and everything works out in the end. But just like in real life it doesn't always go right, but Peter still manages to pull through, and I think to myself if he can pull through that which is way worse than my situation I can pull through whatever situation I am in. So in the great words of Stan Lee EXCELSIOR!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Review

What Up Spidey Fans, today I'm reviewing Marc Webb's second Spider-Man Film, The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The first scene is a flashback of the day that Richard Parker record himself telling about what OsCorp Industries was trying to use his research and studies for bio-weapons to the US Military. Haven't I heard something like this before? Like MANY TIMEs really. After taking Peter to Uncle Ben and Aunt May's, Richard and his wife, Mary when on board their, private jet? Anyway during their flight, he tries to upload his recordings to his secret lab in Roosevelt train station, but was interrupted by a man who claim to work for OsCorp, attempted to assassinate Richard. Richard managed to upload the recordings and died with his wife in their plane.

In the present, Spider-Man chased Aleskei Sytsevich for stealing plutonium that is in the OsCorp van and during that scene, Gwen, at her School Graduation, called and ask "Where are you, Peter?" And in the end of that, Spidey managed to arrive on time to attain the Graduation and for a minute, give Gwen a kiss, IN PUBLIC? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PETER PARKER?

After Peter emailed his Spidey Pics to J Jonah Jameson, (if wondering, nobody playing as Jonah) he look at the news learn that Norman Osborn is dying and felt very sorry for him. As Norman's son, Harry reunite with Peter and both talk like their old days, and if any of you guys watch one of the trailers that Peter tell Harry that he made some web design, that kind of raise suspicions of Peter is Spider-Man OR thinking Peter is working for the WebHead.

Max Dillion was forced to stay back at OsCorp to fix an electrical wire that was disconnected and he requested the guys that is in charge of the electricity to shut it down but rejected that request, because they don't care, so Max just have to reconnect the wires himself though failed because after putting the wires together again, electrocutes him and fell in where the eels are, resulting creating his evil persona, Electro.

Harry also have cancer, and he thinks SpiderMan's blood gives a cure, though unfortunately SpiderVenom (name for Spidey's Powers) only work on Richard's DNA which means his son is the only person left and why I'm saying this is because Peter have his DNA due to his birth. Harry did manage to inject himself one, and Richard was right, because it affects him WAY too different.

As for Gwen's fate in this film, it is unfortunate because she was hanging to Spider-Man's webs and it was cut by the clock's parts (don't know what it is called) which makes her fell and Peter tries to catch her with his webbing but she hit the ground as the web catches her resulting her death.

In the End, after the day of Gwen's death, Peter tries to give up being Spider-Man and visits her grave everyday, and when he watched his own copy of her speech for the School Graduation, this actually inspired Peter to become SpiderMan again, and fought against the Rhino in the final scene.
See you NEXT TIME SpideyFans

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Review

Scratch in the BELLY by Ock's Tentacles? YeYow ;\/

What up SpideyFans, today I'm review the second movie of Sam Raimi's SM Trilogy, Spider-Man 2.

In this film, Peter Parker having a hard time, struggling between his life and duty as a SuperHero, and Harry also because he couldn't let go of the fact Spider-Man murdered his father aka the Green Goblin (though technically not in the last film) and wish to revenge his death and the villain in this film will be Doctor Octavius aka Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octavius was trying to create the fusion reactor using Tritium, exclusively funded by Oscorp Industries, though unfortunately that became an error because it started an overload reaction which causes the reactor to go haywire and end up pulling everything into it like a magnet, including cause a electrical attack on the chip that allows Doctor to control the tentacles which result him losing control to it.

The Battle in the ending takes place in Doc Ock's Secret Hideout near the river, and as Peter reveal his secret identity to Doc, he was nearly got choked by one of his tentacles but luckily Doctor Octavius manage to regain his control over them, and sacrifice himself to destroy the the fusion reactor (though it is unknown of his fate after being drown)

The final Swing actually less amazing than the first film, but still very nice
See you Next Time SpiderFans 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opinions of Spider-Man the New Animated Series

This TV series is actually my top 1 favourite Spiderman series so far and it is awesome, unfortunately it only managed to get one season due to low ratings of the episodes which makes it sad though it still amazing up to date.

The characters are interesting and sometimes emotional which is something I like, for example:
Peter felt sorry for Max Dillion
Peter and Mary Jane's relationship
Though some characters did die (sorry to say it) which I think was part of the reason why this series was cancelled.

The intro music is AMAZING, like it goes, in my opinion, from fun to sad emotions which is awesome.

The story plot is great and really good, though should've been improve it in my opinion because some scenes in most of the episodes wasn't actually epic enough or maybe less amazing music scores but still in my top 1.

If weren't for the cancellation, we would've find out what COULD happen after Peter threw his costume out in the ocean, and possibly see more villains for our entertainment for the fans, advice if low ratings, try IMPROVE IT (almost like they don't understand the words)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Opinions of SpiderMan Unlimited TV Series

I think SpiderMan Unlimited is nearly a fine good TV series and an interesting story in the episodes, though sadly it only have 13 episodes when the total meant to be 26 originally.

The story plot in this TV Series is very nice, and does gain the audience's attention about what could happen next in each episodes, and if creators managed to get 26 episodes, it would've been the amazing SpiderMan TV series.

The characters is interesting and amazing really, because Venom is actually one of the famous villains in the SpiderMan universe and he is my favourite too, and John Jameson is also pretty caring for the humans on Counter-Earth (the planet where both himself and SpiderMan stranded on for a while) but unfortunately for him, after his first land on Counter-Earth, he was experimented on (though it was incomplete) and transformed into a werewolf, luckily the transformation (at night) can be suppress so that he doesn't have to worry about it.

If the TV series ends at the right number of episodes, most people would've like it and knows what will happen after episode 13.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spider-Man (2002) Review

The pumpkin bomb to the face is LOLing

What up SpiderFans, today I'm reviewing Spider-Man directed by Sam Raimi. It was the first SM film in the 21st century.

In this film features the origin of Spider-Man and first villain in this trilogy, the Green Goblin.

Peter was bitten by a genetically altered spider (mixture of other spider abilities) that escaped from its glass cage and Norman Osborn impatiently tested his Human Performance Enhancer on himself which result in creating his own evil persona.

In the final battle between Spider-Man and Green Goblin, Spidey got literally boomed to the face by Goblin's pumpkin bombs. I was scared of that scene at first, but as I look further I don't have to worry about it anymore.

The Ending Swing Sequence is actually perfectly EPIC than its sequel but at least it doesn't suck.

See you next time SpiderFans

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Opinions of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Film Series

Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films are extremely the best Spider-man trilogy because of the actors, the special effects and the music are amazing beyond what I think.

Tobey Maguire did a best Spider-Man/Peter Parker because of his 'Nerdy' look and acting which is spectacular unlike with Andrew Garfield because he's much more emo than Tobey did in Spider-Man 3( no offense to Andrew) and Kirsten Dunst is the best Actress to play Mary Jane Watson because she bring emotions and hopes everywhere she goes.

Both the costumes (red and black), by James Acheson, is spectacular, it have the coolness with the looks and can immediately attract the audiences' attention (Do hope they would use the fabric of the black suit for The Amazing Spider-Man squeals and the Venom Spin-Off Film because it does, for some reason, resemble some alien quality).

The music scores in the films is incredible beyond my opinion and this is what I FULLY expect to have because it goes from happy/sad emotional to a great epicness and with some desperation, and the Hans Zimmer's one is nice but unfortunately not as Danny Elfman's in my opinion and also manage make death of the character very emotional too like Harry Osborn's. This is the example of the music score by Danny Elfman.
                                                       Spider-Man 2002 Main Title Theme

If it weren't for Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, I wouldn't be a fan today. Hopefully it will return otherwise I may end up sad for the rest of my life.