Friday, October 17, 2014

Miles Morale Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 6 Review

So Excited for this issue to know how Peter Parker is alive and let's see if Norman dead
Jonah actually starts to regret for shooting a bullet in Osborn's chest and start calling Ben Urich but then Norman wakes up and flame J.J's head, guess I was right on the last issue review no one can simply kill Norman regardless of how many forces to do so though I wonder why it's different in Harry Osborn's case because he died of course, the only answer to this I know is maybe because his OZ is nearly different to his father's (Harry's death in Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 issue 117.).

Now back with Miles and Peter from the last issue, Miles is trying to get him is explain if he's the the real Peter Parker or another clone but MJ kept on telling Miles he is the real LEGIT one. Peter tells him that he remembers his entire life even his death, then tells him that he waked up in some deserted lab in other city, really must be used for his powers or another cloning experiment like in the Clone Saga (this universe one, not the 616 one). Moving on, he then tells that he tries to reunite with MJ and together they tried to dug up his coffin and comes up empty, which bring further proof that Peter was brought back to the land of the living by some mad scientist but leaves his body like "You know what, I'm fed up with this body experiment, let's just leave him to riot" or something like that.
Gwen and Aunt May then just came in and exchange each other with hugs, just as I really thought from the last 2 issues I always knew he'll reunite with his family and friends despite the fact Peter wished to get out of the city to live a new life or something, I really don't know why he wish to remain 'dead'. Back on the page, the Green Goblin appears in front of the house for more confrontation, Norman should've already known he'll lose because of Miles's VenomBlast but guess doesn't like being a pussy in one first time battle with someone and as I suspected he did lose because he's slowly turning back in human form after the shock of the VenomBlast
As Osborn is about to get arrested, he then taunts at Miles(if that's a correct word to use) about who his father is.

Overall, I'm giving this 10/10, when seeing the conversation I thought to give this 8/10 but then the battle comes up, I'm give it 2 extra points for the Epicness, and I'm so excited for next issue though the issue 7 cover is Miles's girlfriend, Kate Bishop, so my only 2 guesses is she maybe tries to get Miles back or will she be related about Miles's father, either way it's amazing issue.
Tell in the comments what are your thoughts about this
And I'll see u all Next  Time

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Edge of the SpiderVerse Issue 1 Review

Issue 1 Reiview of the Edge of the Spider-Verse, starting with SpiderMan Noir to start off
First Page to start off, Noir(in a video tape recording anyway) kick few guys in the heads, witnessed by few citizens in a movie theater and one of em(with his face shadow) leaving, guess he'll be the villain of the issue heh. In the next one is seeing the posters of the "Magnificent Mysterio" this guy really want so much attention for his own show.

Peter Parker, with his Aunt May and MJ at the New York World's Fair, hanging out few chats whatever little bit too lazy to talk about the page. Peter ask MJ if she likes to see the Magnificent Mysterio and replies "yES". At Mysterio's "magical" show Peter senses something wrong(don't know if refering to Karn, u know who tries to kill all the Spiders or about Mysterio's performance.)
Few Skip Pages Later....(Sorry, Lazy to read some)

As Noir free himself from Mysterio's "watery Grave" he tries to save Felicia but then Karn came in for his death, though luckily the Superior Spider-Man crashes the party and departed with Noir, do like this "Spidey saves Spidey". Back in 2099, Superior Spider-Man explains the situation regarding the "Death of all Spiders" and so forth call a "meeting".

Overall, I'd give this 7/10, Pretty interesting story line and a great Introduction to Mysterio of Noir, though I'm expecting more amazing in these issues but anyways Be sure to comment on what you guys think of the review so far
And I'll see you all...Next Time.