Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Review

What Up Spidey Fans, today I'm reviewing Marc Webb's second Spider-Man Film, The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The first scene is a flashback of the day that Richard Parker record himself telling about what OsCorp Industries was trying to use his research and studies for bio-weapons to the US Military. Haven't I heard something like this before? Like MANY TIMEs really. After taking Peter to Uncle Ben and Aunt May's, Richard and his wife, Mary when on board their, private jet? Anyway during their flight, he tries to upload his recordings to his secret lab in Roosevelt train station, but was interrupted by a man who claim to work for OsCorp, attempted to assassinate Richard. Richard managed to upload the recordings and died with his wife in their plane.

In the present, Spider-Man chased Aleskei Sytsevich for stealing plutonium that is in the OsCorp van and during that scene, Gwen, at her School Graduation, called and ask "Where are you, Peter?" And in the end of that, Spidey managed to arrive on time to attain the Graduation and for a minute, give Gwen a kiss, IN PUBLIC? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PETER PARKER?

After Peter emailed his Spidey Pics to J Jonah Jameson, (if wondering, nobody playing as Jonah) he look at the news learn that Norman Osborn is dying and felt very sorry for him. As Norman's son, Harry reunite with Peter and both talk like their old days, and if any of you guys watch one of the trailers that Peter tell Harry that he made some web design, that kind of raise suspicions of Peter is Spider-Man OR thinking Peter is working for the WebHead.

Max Dillion was forced to stay back at OsCorp to fix an electrical wire that was disconnected and he requested the guys that is in charge of the electricity to shut it down but rejected that request, because they don't care, so Max just have to reconnect the wires himself though failed because after putting the wires together again, electrocutes him and fell in where the eels are, resulting creating his evil persona, Electro.

Harry also have cancer, and he thinks SpiderMan's blood gives a cure, though unfortunately SpiderVenom (name for Spidey's Powers) only work on Richard's DNA which means his son is the only person left and why I'm saying this is because Peter have his DNA due to his birth. Harry did manage to inject himself one, and Richard was right, because it affects him WAY too different.

As for Gwen's fate in this film, it is unfortunate because she was hanging to Spider-Man's webs and it was cut by the clock's parts (don't know what it is called) which makes her fell and Peter tries to catch her with his webbing but she hit the ground as the web catches her resulting her death.

In the End, after the day of Gwen's death, Peter tries to give up being Spider-Man and visits her grave everyday, and when he watched his own copy of her speech for the School Graduation, this actually inspired Peter to become SpiderMan again, and fought against the Rhino in the final scene.
See you NEXT TIME SpideyFans

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Review

Scratch in the BELLY by Ock's Tentacles? YeYow ;\/

What up SpideyFans, today I'm review the second movie of Sam Raimi's SM Trilogy, Spider-Man 2.

In this film, Peter Parker having a hard time, struggling between his life and duty as a SuperHero, and Harry also because he couldn't let go of the fact Spider-Man murdered his father aka the Green Goblin (though technically not in the last film) and wish to revenge his death and the villain in this film will be Doctor Octavius aka Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octavius was trying to create the fusion reactor using Tritium, exclusively funded by Oscorp Industries, though unfortunately that became an error because it started an overload reaction which causes the reactor to go haywire and end up pulling everything into it like a magnet, including cause a electrical attack on the chip that allows Doctor to control the tentacles which result him losing control to it.

The Battle in the ending takes place in Doc Ock's Secret Hideout near the river, and as Peter reveal his secret identity to Doc, he was nearly got choked by one of his tentacles but luckily Doctor Octavius manage to regain his control over them, and sacrifice himself to destroy the the fusion reactor (though it is unknown of his fate after being drown)

The final Swing actually less amazing than the first film, but still very nice
See you Next Time SpiderFans 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opinions of Spider-Man the New Animated Series

This TV series is actually my top 1 favourite Spiderman series so far and it is awesome, unfortunately it only managed to get one season due to low ratings of the episodes which makes it sad though it still amazing up to date.

The characters are interesting and sometimes emotional which is something I like, for example:
Peter felt sorry for Max Dillion
Peter and Mary Jane's relationship
Though some characters did die (sorry to say it) which I think was part of the reason why this series was cancelled.

The intro music is AMAZING, like it goes, in my opinion, from fun to sad emotions which is awesome.

The story plot is great and really good, though should've been improve it in my opinion because some scenes in most of the episodes wasn't actually epic enough or maybe less amazing music scores but still in my top 1.

If weren't for the cancellation, we would've find out what COULD happen after Peter threw his costume out in the ocean, and possibly see more villains for our entertainment for the fans, advice if low ratings, try IMPROVE IT (almost like they don't understand the words)